
叶茫,武汉大学计算机学院教授、博士生导师,国家级高层次青年人才,中国科协青年托举人才,湖北省高层次人才。2019年博士毕业于香港浸会大学,2016和2013年获武汉大学硕士和学士学位。曾任阿联酋起源人工智能研究院研究科学家,美国哥伦比亚大学访问学生。主要研究方向多媒体检索、智能安防、联邦学习等,发表国际期刊会议论文 80 余篇,其中第一/通讯作者发表 CCF-A 类论文40 余篇,ESI 高被引论文 8 篇,谷歌学术引用 5000 余次,引用者包括图灵奖获得者 Geoffery Hinton,Yann Lecun 等。担任国际 SCI 期刊CAAI TRIT(IF=7.985)、 Journal of Electronic Imaging(青年)编委,多媒体领域顶级会议ACM MM领域主席、人工智能顶级会议IJCAI专题主席等学术职务。主持湖北省重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金面上项目等科研项目。获谷歌优秀奖学金、国际计算机视觉顶会 ICCV2021无人机目标识别赛道冠军、2021-2022年斯坦福排行榜 “全球前2%顶尖科学家”、2022年百度AI华人青年学者等荣誉。与华为、海信、每日互动等多家企业开展技术合作和应用落地。

Mang Ye is currently a Full Professor at the School of Computer Science, Wuhan University. He received the PhD degree from Hong Kong Baptist University in 2019, supported by Hong Kong PhD Fellowship. He received the B.Sc and M.Sc degrees from Wuhan University in 2013 and 2016. He worked as a Research Scientist at Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence from 2019-2020 and worked as a Visiting Scholar at Columbia University in 2018. He has published more than 60 papers, including 40+ CCF-A papers as the first/corresponding author. He received 5000+ citations, including those from 2 Turing awardees (Geoffrey Hinton and Yann Lecun). Eight papers are ESI Highly Cited. He received the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Excellent Youth Fund (Overseas). His research interests include open-world visual learning and its applications in multimedia analysis and reasoning.