School of Computer Science
Wuhan University
[Bio] [Google Scholar][DBLP][GitHub]
Room E503, School of Computer Science, Wuhan University
Email: yemang AT, mangye16 AT
Welcome to the Multimedia Analysis and ReaSoning (MARS) Group at the Wuhan University, led by Prof. Mang Ye.
Our research interests include privacy-preserving multi-modal learning and its applications in multimedia analysis and reasoning.
[ Open Positions (25硕博招生、博后招聘、本科实习生) ] [ 本科生入组流程 ]
Looking for self-motivated Ph.D/M.S./Undergraduate students. [25级入学的博士还有名额,2024年11月更新]
Looking for PostDocs in computer vision.[重点资助博后]
Seven papers on ReID, MLLM Tuning, Emotion Recognition, Federated Learning are accepted by CVPR 2025.
Prof. Ye serves as the Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (CCF-A).
Four papers on NightTime ReID, Vertical Federated Learning are accepted by AAAI 2025.
Prof. Ye is invited to serve as ICML 2025 Area Chair.
Our team is recognized as one of the Outstanding Youth Teams of Wuhan University. [link]
Wenke Huang (黄文柯, PhD student) and Guancheng Wan (万冠呈, undergraduate student) won the Lei Jun Scholarship (100,000 RMB, awarded to 10 students per year). [link]
Five students have been awarded the National Scholarship. Congratulations to Wuxuan Shi (施武轩,PhD student), Xiuwen Fang (方修文,PhD student), Zesen Wu (吴泽森,master student), Tongxin Wang (王同鑫,master student), Chenyue Li (李辰玥,undergraduate student).
Our survey paper on Object ReID is accepted by IJCV.
Four papers on Visible-Infrared ReID, Federated Learning and Continual Learning are accepted at NeurIPS 2024, including contributions from a 2nd-year and a 3rd-year undergraduate.
Prof. Ye is invited to serve as ICLR 2025 and CVPR 2025 Area Chair.
Two papers on Cloth-Changing ReID and Graph Learning are accepted by ACM MM 2024.
Three papers on Multi-Modal Intention Understanding, Widelife ReID and Federated Learning are accepted by ECCV 2024, including contributions from a 2rd-year undergraduate.
Prof. Ye serves as the Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (CCF-A).
Five papers on Federated Learning and Multi-Modal Learning accepted by CVPR 2024, including contributions from two 3rd-year undergraduates.
Prof. Ye is invited to serve as ECCV 2024 and ACM MM 2024 Area Chair.
Four papers on Person Generation, Federated Learning and Multi-modal Learning accepted by AAAI 2024.
Three papers on Federated Learning, Visible-Infrared ReID, Sketch ReID accepted by IEEE TPAMI.
A survey on Hetergeneous Federated Learning is accepted by ACM Computing Surveys. [arXiv]
Prof. Ye is invited to serve as CVPR 2024 Area Chair.
Three papers on Unsupervised VI-ReID, Continual Learning, Federated Learning accepted by ICCV 2023.
Four papers on Federated Learning and Multi-modaltiy ReID accepted by CVPR 2023.
Congratulations to He Li (李贺、博士生), Xiuwen Fang (方修文、硕士生), Junwu Zhang (张俊武、本科生), Jiaming Zhang (张家铭、本科生), Zhangyi Hu (胡张艺、本科生), for the National Scholarships.
Two papers accepted by IEEE TIP 2021 and one paper accepted by IEEE TIFS 2021.
Two papers accepted by ICCV 2021 and two papers accepted by ACM MM 2021.
We have released the code of dual-attentive cross-modality Re-ID in ECCV 2020. Code
The extended version of our CVPR19 paper on unsupervised embedding has been accepted by TPAMI. [Code]
We have released the code of unsupervised embedding learning in CVPR 2019. [Code].
2019-2020, Research Scientist, Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
2016-2019, Ph.D student, Hong Kong Baptist University, supervised by Prof. Pong C. Yuen.
2018.07-2018.12, Visiting scholar at Columbia University, working with Prof. Shih-Fu Chang.
2013-2016, MSc, NERCMS, Wuhan University, working with Dr. Chao Liang and Prof. Ruimin Hu .
2009-2013,B.E., Electronic Information Science and Technology, Wuhan University, China.
2021, Winner of Person Re-Identification Track in ICCV 2021 MMVRAC Challenge
2021, Young Elite Scientist Sponsorship Program by CAST
2019, Yakun Scholarship Scheme for Mainland Postgraduate Team
2019, Excellent Teaching Assistant Performance Award
2016-2018, Computer Science Department RPg Performance Award
2016-2019, Hong Kong PhD Fellowship
2016, Academic Breakthrough Prize awarded by NERCMS
2015, National Scholarship
2015, Google Excellence Scholarship
2014, National Scholarship