Multimodal Emotional Understanding

Multimodal Emotional Understanding involves analyzing and integrating information from various modalities, such as text, audio, and visual cues, to accurately interpret human emotions and intentions. This approach enhances human-computer interaction and enables more responsive systems in applications like customer service, mental health monitoring, and social robotics, ultimately improving the user experience by providing more nuanced and context-aware responses.

We develop benchmarks for emotional understanding with Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs). We also design frameworks that integrate different cues to enhance emotion and intention recognition.


EmoLLM: Multimodal Emotional Understanding Meets Large Language Models
Qu Yang, Mang Ye*, Bo Du

We introduce EmoBench, a comprehensive benchmark designed to enhance and evaluate the emotional understanding capabilities of MLLMs across a diverse range of tasks, providing a large-scale dataset of ~287k instructions. Besides, we propose EmoLLM, which incorporates Multi-perspective Visual Projection to capture diverse emotional cues and EmoPrompt to guide the reasoning process.

Synergy of Sight and Semantics: Visual Intention Understanding with CLIP
Qu Yang, Mang Ye*, Dacheng Tao
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2024.

We introduce the IntCLIP framework, along with Hierarchical Class Integration, and the Sight-assisted Aggregation to effectively facilitate this adaptation. Their synergy is instrumental in guiding the extraction of intent cues and pinpointing key intention-related areas.

Contextual Augmented Global Contrast for Multimodal Intent Recognition
Kaili Sun, Zhiwen Xie, Mang Ye*, Huyin Zhang
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024.

We propose a context-augmented global contrast (CAGC) learning method to mine rich global contextual cues from both intra-and cross-video to enhance intent understanding for multimodal intention recognition.

Learnable Hierarchical Label Embedding and Grouping for Visual Intention Understanding
QingHongYa Shi, Mang Ye*, Ziyi Zhang, Bo Du
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (TAC), 2023.

We provide a novel learnable Hierarchical Label Embedding and Grouping (HLEG) method for visual intention understanding corresponding for limited data and label ambiguity. It is featured in the following aspects: (1) Building a network with hierarchical transformer structure according to the hierarchical label tree in visual intention understanding. (2) Establishing the correlation between hierarchical and ambiguous labels with learnable label embedding and grouping. (3) Introducing a “Hard-First” optimization strategy between hierarchical classifications at multiple levels.

Copyright © 2024 Multimedia Analysis & Reasoning (MARS) Lab
Wuhan University 武汉大学